Preliminary Examination
To enable proper diagnosis of patients’ ocular ailments, a detailed preliminary investigation is a must.
The sequential preliminary eye examination of a patient by an optometrist is as follows:
Preliminary Investigation
History of present complaints
Last spectacle Prescription
Vision Check for Distance and Near
Near point of convergence
Determination of Near Addition
Anterior segment Evaluation using Slit lamp Biomicroscope
Intra ocular Pressure using Applanation Tonometer
This preliminary examination is followed by a detailed posterior segment (fundus) evaluation by
the Ophthalmologist. Based on the correlation of all the clinical findings, diagnosis of the
ocular ailment (if any) is arrived at and managed accordingly.
Referral to the ophthalmology or optometric specialties is done as required.
Like as below example :-
Diabetic and Htn. patients are referred to the Medical retina department.
Symptomatic Myopes and patients with myopia of > 3 DS are referred for a
detailed fundus evaluation with medical retina department.
Patients requiring cataract surgery are referred to the cataract and IOL department
Patients with increased IOP, narrow angles, occludable angles or any glaucomatous cupping
are referred to glaucoma department.
Patients with any neurological problem, pupillary abnormalities or disc pallor are referred
to neuro ophthalmology department.
Patients interested in contact lenses are referred to the contact lens clinic.
Patients requiring detailed binocular vision assessment are referred to the orthoptics clinic.