Community Ophthalmology
Brief History
Both hospital follow the same policy of providing high quality treatment to the rich and poor alike. Some of the highlights of our Community Ophthalmic services are listed below:
Camp Details List
In a developing country like India, rural population still have difficulty in accessing quality eye
treatment. MDEH recognized this need early on and has put in an elaborate system to identify
patients in near by Villages with eye problem; bring them to the main Hospital; operate on them;
give them glasses and send them back to their houses - all free of cost. Even the food requirements
are met with. Our efforts are whole heartedly supported by Social Service Organizations and many
good hearted individuals.
Ophthalmic issues the dept. addresses
The department focuses in the provision of the following services :
Minor Glaucoma Surgeries
- Nd : YAG peripheral Iridotomy
Service of community & by community
Having emerged as a leading eye hospital, MDEH takes on community service with utmost sincerity and dedication.
Corporates desiring to sponsor an Out Reach Camp or Cataract surgeries or individuals wishing to sponsor one or more cataract surgeries can contact